Wallaby: Your Trusted Supplier for Best in Class Mylar Bags
There isn’t a better food storage option available on the market than Mylar bags. Not only are they great for all kinds of food storage, they are the best for long-term storage, they offer utmost protection, and they provide high-quality oxygen free packaging. One of the biggest things that you’d need to consider is the thickness of these Mylar bags. For long term food storage of grains, pulses, and other food items, it’s best if you buy Mylar bags with a minimum thickness of more than 4mil. But the biggest problem is finding a company that provides high-quality Mylar storage bags with assured thickness levels. If you do not know any supplier, we have a great recommendation for you. Wallaby is a well-known and established supplier that provides high-quality Mylar bags in its online store. It is a well-known and licensed provider of these bags with some of the top online testimonials. FDA approved and BPA free, Wallaby's Mylar bags include a few more ...